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TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-35. BLOWER ASSEMBLY (Continued).
f. A specially designed feeler gage
set J1698-02 for the blower
clearance operation is available.
Time the rotors as follows:
Time the rotors to have .002
inch to .006 inch clearance
between the TRAILING edge of
the UPPER rotor and LEADING
edge of the LOWER rotor
("cc" clearance) measured
from both the inlet and
outlet sides as shown in
figure below. If possible,
keep this clearance to the
minimum (.002 inch). Then
check the clearance between
the LEADING edge of the
UPPER and the TRAILING edge
of the LOWER rotors ("cc"
clearance) for the minimum
clearance shown. Rotor-to-
rotor measurements should be
taken 1 inch from the gover-
nor end, at the center, and
1 inch from the drive end.


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