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TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-36. TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP (Continued).
(11) Place the oil seal lip
protector with the oil
seal over the end of the
oil pump drive shaft.
Then, slide the oil seal
down over the protector
and against the pump body.
(12) Place the oil seal installer
over the top of the oil
seal lip protector and
rest on the oil seal.
(13) Bring the ram of the press
down on the installer and
press the oil seal into
the pump body until the
inner oil seal rest on the
(14) Remove the oil seal
installer and the oil seal
lip protector from the
n. Place the oil pump assembly
on the work bench and install
snapring (26) in the groove in
the serrated end of the oil
pump drive shaft.


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