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TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-36. TRANSMISSION OIL PUMP (Continued).
o. Install the tachometer drive
shaft and oil slinger assembly
in the oil pump drive shaft as
fol lows:
(1) Lubricate the flat sides
of the tachometer drive
shaft (16) with engine
oil. Then, start the
tachometer drive shaft
straight into the square
opening in the end of the
oil pump drive shaft.
(2) Support the oil pump
assembly on the bed of
an arbor press with a
small 3/8 inch thick
steel plate placed
directly under the
serrated end of the
drive shaft.
The tachometer drive shaft is a press fit in the oil pump drive shaft. Therefore, it
is necessary that the steel plate be placed under the opposite end of the drive
shaft when installing the tachometer drive shaft to prevent damage to the oil
pump inner rotor.
(3) Bring the ram of the
press down on the end of
the tachometer drive
shaft and press the
shaft straight into the
oil pump drive shaft
until the shoulder on
the tachometer shaft
contacts the end of the
pump shaft.