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TM 55-1905-223-24-16
Make sure you do not score the internal surface of front mounting cap.
d. If shaft seal (2) is to be replaced, remove seal from front mounting cap (1) .
Refer to pump shaft assembly (inspection task) to determine if bearing assembly requires replacement.
e. Remove retaining ring (7) from shouldered shaft (3).
Use bearing puller of proper size to remove bearing.
Remove bearing (6).
Retaining ring is removed by passing over the bearing surface area, rather than the shaft seal surface,
and off splined end of shaft (FIGURE 4-40). Damage to the seal surface on shaft can cause the seal to
g. Remove retaining ring (5) by passing ring over the bearing surface area and off splined end of shaft.
a. Examine bearing (6) for damage before removal from shaft. Apply pressure to the outer face and rotate bearing to
check balls for cracks or looseness. Remove bearing from shaft if a replacement is needed.
b. If unusual wear damage, looseness, sideplay between bearing and shaft, or broken parts are revealed, bearing
must be replaced.


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