TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
The Avon Repair Kit contains full instructions which should be followed
c a r e f u l l y , these basically are:
Choose a suitable patch to overlap tear 1" (25 mm) all round. Clean patch and
surface to be repaired thoroughly by means of abrasive paper. Surfaces must be
completely dry before application of adhesive. Apply two coats of adhesive to
the patch and surface to be repaired, allowing first coat to dry for 5 to 10
minutes before application of a second coat. When final coat is tacky (a further
5 to 10 minutes) apply patch and smooth out with a spatula-shaped tool. Work
from the center to the outside to remove any trapped air and allow to dry. The
repair should be left for at least 12 hours to cure before inflation of the
tubes, except in an emergency when only a temporary repair is required.
Tears or punctures less than 2" (50 mm) can be repaired as above, but in excess
of 2" (50 mm) in length the tear must be herringbone stitched before repair with
strong thread. D i f f i c u l t repairs (e.g., across a seam) end very long tears
should be referred to more extensive facilities.
Use glue from repair kit to perform the
following steps.
Install grey seam tape (7).
Install poly lifeline (5).
I n s t a l l valve (6).
I n s t a l l hypalon fabric (2).
I n s t a l l lifeline patch (4).
Install gray rub strake (3).
Connect hoist block and tackle.
Lift workboat, using crane, from pier and position on deck.
Connect and secure workboat with tie down lines.