TM 55-1905-223-24-18-1
Repair Ship Service Switchboard Circuit Breakers.
This task covers:
a. Removal, b. Repair, c. Replacement, d. Test.
Equipment Condition
Power to ship service switchboard OFF,
T o o l kit, electrician's,
locked out, and tagged "Out of
Service - Do Not Operate".
All switchboard circuit breakers OFF.
Circuit breaker
P/N THED136100 (2)
P/N THED136015 (3)
P/N THED136030 (3)
P/N THED136090 with under voltage
release, P/N TEDUV1-RS
P/N THED136090 (2)
P/N THED136080
P/N THED136-35
P/N TEC36050 with auxiliary switch,
P/N TEDAS2B1-RS and circuit
limiter, P/N TECLC36050
P/N TFJ236125 (2)
P/N TFJ236150 (4)
P/N TFJ236125 with under voltage
release P/N TFKUVA1-RS
P/N TFJ236175 (3)
P/N TJJ436300
P/N TJJ436230 (2)
Warning tag, Item 1, Appendix C
Electrocution, serious injury, or equipment
damage can result from contact with live
e l e c t r i c a l c i r c u i t s . Before beginning work
on electrical systems, ensure electrical
power is OFF, locked out and tagged to
prevent turn on during maintenance.
Change 1