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TM 55-1905-223-24-3
Visually inspect the rods (1), the connecting rod bearing saddles, and the machine bolts (10)
for nicks, cracks, burrs, scratches, or fretting.
Visually inspect the bearings (11) for damage.
Replace any bearings with lock tang damage or scratches (deep enough to
be felt with a fingernail). Also replace any bearings which show pitting,
flaking, or corrosion in the copper lining.
Bearing shells (12) are available for crankshafts which are 0.010 inch (0.25
mm), 0.020 inch (0.51 mm), 0.030 inch (0.76 mm), or 0.040 inch (1.02
mm) undersize. Crankshafts which are ground undersize in the connecting
rod or the main bearing journals are marked on the front counterweight. If
the crankshaft is marked, check the bearing shell to make sure the correct
bearing size is used (Figure 4-30).
FIGURE 4-30. Counterweight Markings for Bearing Sizes.
Normal bearing wear produces a smooth finish that will wear into the copper
lining. Exposed copper does not always indicate worn bearings. If large areas
of copper lining are visible in the bearings before the engine has accumulated
3,750 hours, inspect the engine for contamination from fine dirt particles and
correct the problem.
Visually inspect the bearing seating surface for nicks or burrs.
If nicks or burrs can not be removed with a fine crocus cloth, the bearings (11, Figure 4-28)
must be replaced.