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TM 55-1905-223-24-5
FIGURE 2-32. Rocker Lever Adjusting Screw .
Install the rocker lever housing as follows:
Hold the rocker levers in position (21, 22, 23, FIGURE 2-30).
Install the ball end of the adjusting screws (15) in the push rod sockets.
Install gaskets (16).
Remove guide studs (FIGURE 2-31).
Install rocker lever housing capscrews (15, FIGURE 2-30).
Install engine lifting brackets (10, 11).
Install capscrews (9) in rocker lever housing (14).
The longer capscrews are used to secure the engine lifting brackets.
Tighten the rocker lever housing and lifting bracket capscrews to 60 ft-lb torque. Use the
sequence shown in FIGURE 2-33 when tightening the housing capscrews.


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