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![]() TM 55-1905-223-24-5
2-45. General. If an engine will be out of service for an extended period of time (3 weeks or longer), or
reshipped to another location, certain actions must be-taken to protect it against the corrosive effects of the
elements. All surfaces of an engine will rust or corrode if they are not protected. The procedures in this
paragraph must be taken prior to placing an engine in storage or prior to reshipment to another location. Also
see TB 740-97-4, "Preservation of Vessels for Storage."
Temporary Engine Storage. If an engine remains out of service for 3 weeks to 3 months, take steps to
prevent rust. The following procedures are required to prevent damage to engine in temporary storage.
The engine must be started and the speed gradually increased to 1200 rpm with no
load. Operate the engine until the water temperature is at least 160 (71 ).
Disconnect both fuel lines at the fuel supply tank. Fill two portable containers, one with
diesel fuel and a second with preservative oil U.S. Military Specification MIL-L-644
Type P-9.
Start the engine with the fuel inlet line pulling fuel from the can with the diesel fuel.
Let the drain line flow into the container with the diesel fuel. After the engine is started
and is running at idle, move the fuel line to the container with the preservative oil.
Operate the engine five to ten minutes on the preservative oil. Stop the engine and
reconnect the fuel lines to the supply tank.
The oil sump fuel filters and fuel tank must be drained, and the drain plugs must be
installed. New oil can be added.
Remove the intake hose from between the air cleaner and the intake manifolds.
Disconnect the electrical wiring. Turn the shutoff valve on the fuel pump
counterclockwise so that the engine will not start. Rotate the crankshaft of the engine
while applying a spray of 10W oil into the intake manifold.
Put tape over all the intake manifold openings to keep out dirt and moisture.
Put tape over all the engine openings, including the coolant inlets, cylinder block, oil
breather and crankcase.
Drain the coolant from the cooling system, unless it is a permanent antifreeze with a
rust inhibitor added.
(10) Put the engine in a place protected from the weather where the air is dry and the
temperature is even.
(11) Rotate the engine crankshaft two or three revolutions every 3 weeks.
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