TM 55-1905-242-14
0158 00
DISASSEMBLY (continued)
Remove the attaching screws (9) that secure the cup (10) to the valve body (8). Remove the cup (10).
The rod assemblies are custom machined and match-fitted to their respective valve
bodies. Do not mismatch the rod assemblies and valve bodies. If a valve body or rod
assembly is damaged, the entire valve body/rod assembly unit must be replaced. Take
extreme care not to scratch, gouge, dent, or otherwise mar the finish on the rods and
valve bodies. Failure to comply may result in serious equipment damage.
Slide the rod assembly (11) out of the valve body (8) and lay it on a clean wiping rag on a clean surface.
If the spring (12) or spacers (13) must be replaced, wrap the rod (14) in several thick layers of wiping rags and clamp it
gently in the vise, taking great care not to damage the surface finish on the rod.
Remove the attaching screw (15), spacers (13), and spring (12).
If not already on, don chemical protective gloves and goggles.
Clean all parts in cleaning solvent and inspect them for wear, damage, or deformity. Dry the parts with clean wiping rags.
Procure any replacement parts necessary.
0158 00-2