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TM 55-1925-273-10-1
0003 00
28. Aft sea chest vent (figure 1, item 28). The aft sea chest vent allows trapped air to be released to the atmosphere.
29. Refrigerant vent (figure 1, item 29). This vent allows the refrigeration and environmental control systems discharge
valves to discharge refrigerant to weather.
30. Exterior lighting (figure 1, item 30). The exterior lighting illuminates the aft main deck area.
31. FM-200 exterior manual pull box (figure 1, item 31). The FM-200 exterior manual pull box is a watertight enclosure.
When the exterior manual pull box is activated, the FM-200 fire exinguishing agent is discharged into the engine room
and AMS 1 within 60 seconds.
32. FM-200 alarm bell (figure 1, item 32). The FM-200 alarm bell sounds 60 seconds prior to the discharge of the FM-200
fire extinguishing agent into the engine room alerting the crewmembers of an emergency situation.
33. Escape hatch (figure 1, item 33). The escape hatch provides an escape access from the AMS 2.
34. Hydraulic pipework guard raised treadplate (figure 1, item 34). This treadplate provides damage protection for the
towing machine piping.
35. Garbage stowage racks (figure 1, item 35). The garbage stowage racks provide storage for garbage cans beneath the
36. Waste oil drain tank vent (figure 1, item 36). This vent vents the waste oil drain tank to weather.
37. Life ring and personal distress light marker (figure 1, item 37). The life ring is an emergency personal flotation device.
The distress light marker is a life saving device that emits a high intensity strobe light. It can also operate in the infrared
mode to alert allies when concealment from hostile forces is necessary. The personal distress light marker is designed
to flash continuously in either mode for a minimum of 8 hours.
38. Starboard shaft seal vent (figure 1, item 38). This vent vents the starboard shaft seal to weather.
39. FM-200 CO2 vent (figure 1, item 39). The FM-200 vent vents CO2 from the FM-200 system to weather.
40. Oily waste discharge shore connection (figure 1, item 40). This connection provides a portal for oily waste discharge.
41. Vent trunk (figure 1, item 41). The vent trunk provides an exhaust access to weather from AMS 2.
42. Capstan (figure 1, item 42). The hydraulically powered capstan is used to work lines during mooring and ship handling.
43. Capstan control station (figure 1, item 43). The capstan control station provides controls to operate the capstan.
44. Potable water tank vents (figure 1, item 44). These vents vent the potable water tank to the weather.
45. Ballast tank 2S vent (figure 1, item 45). This vent provides ventilation for the starboard aft ballast tank.
46. Frame 6-7 void sounding tube (figure 1, item 46). This sounding tube permits sounding of the 6-7 frame void.
47. Tow gear locker natural air vent (figure 1, item 47). This vent provides fresh air ventilation to the starboard side of the
tow gear locker.
48. Fuel oil tank 4S sounding tube (figure 1, item 48). The fuel oil tank 4S sounding tube is provided to measure the level
of fuel oil in fuel oil tank 4S.
49. Fuel oil tank 4S cutoff valve (figure 1, item 49). This valve provides remote cutoff for fuel oil tank 4 starboard.
50. Tow bar (figure 1, item 50). The tow bar protects the polyfiber grating and rudder motors from damage caused by
contact with the towing hawser(s).
0003 00-3


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