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TM 55-1905-220-14-8
4-5. GENERAL (Continued).
Table 4-22. Washer/Dryer Troubleshooting (Continued.)
Step 5. Fill hose out of place.
Check placement of fill hose from water valve
through dryer base pan and secured in clamp.
Slots should be facing tub. Adjust or replace
as necessary.
10. Wash water not hot enough, controls set for hot wash.
Step 1. Water from water heater not hot enough or water
heater not of sufficient capacity.
Check the temperature of the water at the water
heater. Best washing results are obtained with
water temperatures at 140to 160 (60C).
If the water temperature at the heater is below
140 inform the user. If the water temperature
at the heater is correct, check for exceptionally
long run of water pipe between heater and washer.
Step 2. Cold water leaking through the water valve.
Make necessary repairs to the water valve.
Step 3. Inoperative water temperature selector switch.
Check switch continuity. Replace the faulty switch if necessary.
Step 4. Hot and cold inlet hose reversed.
Connect hose to water valve correctly.
Step 5. Water temperature selector switch or water valve solenoids wired incorrectly.
Check wiring to be as shown in wiring diagram.
Step 6. Screen in the hot water hose connection of the water valve stopped up.
Clean the valve inlet screens.


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