TM 5-1940-321-13&P
( 3 ) Keep the glue container covered as much as possible to extend its useful life.
Do not use glue that has started to form a skim on the surface. Do not use glue
mixed more than 60 minutes earlier. When working outdoors, mix new glue
every 15 minutes. Discard old glue and mix new glue in a clean container. Clean
the brush in solvent between applications of glue. Shake solvent from the brush
before gluing. Avoid contaminating the surfaces to be glued with lint, dust, or
neoprene residue left from scuffing.
Wooden components require three applications of glue. The first application tends
to partially soak into the wood grain.
e. Joining the Surfaces. The surfaces may be joined, five minutes after the second application
of glue (third application for polyurethane glue). First, remove masking tape and then test the glue by
touching it lightly with your fingertip. It should be sticky but strings of glue should not pull away from the