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TM 55-1905-217-12
buttons (fig. 2-4) for the inboard engines control hydraulic
starters. The electric starter control buttons (34 and 43,
If equipment fails to operate refer to
fig. 2-5) control electric starters, while the hydraulic
troubleshooting procedure in Chapter 3.
starter control buttons (36 and 41, fig. 2-5) control
hydraulic starters (hull numbers 8540 through 8560 and
8580 through 8618). Push the buttons to start the
This section describes, locates, illustrates, and furnishes
engines. Release promptly when the engine starts.
the operator and/or crew with sufficient information for
the proper operation of the vessel. Throughout the
(4)  The engine starter control buttons (hull
vessel the control valves and electrical circuits and
numbers 8520 through 8539) for controlling the electric
switches are located and identified by the appropriate
starters (21, fig. 2-2) for the outboard engines are located
nomenclature plates.
on the distribution panel. Push the buttons to start the
engines. Release promptly when the engines start. Two
Controls and Instruments
control handles for control of the hydraulic starters
a. Pilot House Controls.
(inboard engines) are mounted on top of the control
(1)  A separate stop for each engine is located
panel. Pull the handles out to start the engines. Release
on the pilot house control panel. To stop the engines,
promptly when the engines start.
pull the handles the full length of their travel and hold
them at full length until the engine stops. The engine
(5)  The starting aid controls used on hull
stop control (2, fig. 2-1) is for hull numbers 8500 through
numbers 8500 through 8519 have a separate primer
8529. The engine stop control (12, fig. 2-2) is for hull
control mounted on each engine, and are to be used for
numbers 8520 through 8539. The engine stop control
cold weather starting. Hull numbers 8520 through 8560
(13, fig. 2-3) is for hull numbers 8540 through 8560 and
and 8580 through 8618 do not have such controls. On
8580 through 8618.
these craft the primer fuel cylinders are stored in the
engine room and must -be individually applied to the
(2)  A separate neutral throttle control for each
injectors on each engine.
engine or each propulsion unit is located on the pilot
house control panel. These controls are provided for
(6)  The engine control levers (14, fig. 2-1) on
regulation of the idle speed or for controlling engine
hull numbers 8500 through 8539, have single levers (fig.
speed when the ramp is to be lowered or raised. The
2-7) for each propulsion unit. These levers control both
neutral throttle control (3, fig. 2-1) is for hull numbers
the clutches and throttle in proper sequence. Hull
8500 through 8529. The neutral throttle control (13
numbers 8540 through 8560 and 8580 through 8618
, fig. 2-2) is for hull numbers 8520 through 8539. The neutral
have separate reverse gear levers (21, fig. 2-8.1) for each
throttle controls (15 and 16 fig. 2-3) are used for hull
propulsion unit. The reverse gear levers are interlocked
numbers 8540 through 8560 and 8580 through 8618.
with the throttle controls to prevent clutch engagement or
disengagement except at idle rpm.
(3)  Separate starter control buttons (hull
numbers 8500 through 8519) for each engine are located
(7)  The horn buttons (4, fig. 2-1), hull numbers
on the distribution panel in the pilot house. The starter
8500 through 8519; (23, fig. 2-2) hull numbers 8520
buttons (fig. 2-4) for the out-
through 8539; or (8, fig. 23) hull
board engines control electric starters, while the two


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