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TM 55-1905-221-14-4
6-35. BLOWER ASSEMBLY (Continued).
Both gears must be pressed on the rotor shafts at the same time.
(9)  Remove the rotor timing gear
installers from the rotor shafts.
(10) Place a key washer (74) and gear
retaining key washer (75) on one
of the gear retaining cap screws
(73). Thread the bolt into the
right-hand helix rotor shaft and
guide the lugs on the retaining
key washer (75) in the slots in
the gear hub, then bend one of
the tangs on the key gear over
into the slot of the retaining
key washer. Tighten the gear
retaining capscrew to 55 - 65
ft-lb (74 - 88 Nm) torque.


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