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TM 55-1905-223-10
c. Chemical Detection and Decontamination.
Do not use decontamination spray on personnel. Injury could result.
(1) Use M8 paper, from the chemical agent detection kit, or M9 paper to determine if liquid agent is
present on vessel weather deck surfaces.
(2) If exposure to liquid agent is known or suspected, clean exposed skin, clothing, and personal gear, in
that order, using M258A1 kit. Use the buddy system. Wash exposed skin and thoroughly
decontaminate as soon as tactical situation permits (see STP 21-1, Soldier's Manual of Common
Tasks (Skill Level 1)).
(3) If M8 or M9 paper indicates presence of liquid chemical agent on weather deck surfaces, use the
countermeasures washdown system, as follows:
(a) Ensure all weather deck hatches are secure.
(b) With fire main operational (Section III, paragraph 2-7), open FM-22, CM WASHDOWN ISLN
(8, FIGURE 2-264).
Unexpected roll or pitch of vessel can cause personnel to fall against live electrical
circuits, rotating machinery or hot surfaces. Exercise extreme caution.
a. Secure weather decks.
(1) Tie down workboat, crane and davits.
(2) Stow all lines, hoses and loose equipment.
(3) Secure and cover all hose and cable reels.
(4) Secure and dog all hatches.
(5) Rig storm lines if any work is to be performed on weather deck during heavy weather.
b. Secure pilothouse.
(1) Secure all microphones or headsets in their holders.
(3) Secure coffee pot and tie down all chairs to desk or table legs.