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TM 55-1905-223-24-18-2
Repair of receiver module RE-39240-7/M1-M7A-38100 consists of replacing gasket (21, 24), meter assembly
(4), preformed packing (9, 13), toggle switch (10), (12), sonalert alarm (14), card guides (38), printed circuit
connectors (39), power supply (33), flasher module (34), circuit card assembly (35), simulator float (40),
variable wire wound resistor (41), knob (42), nonmetallic grommet (68), power transformers (65, 66), and
electrolytic fixed capacitor (61).
a. Position receiver module on a clean flat surface.
b. Power supply. (Figure 3-45, Sheets 4 and 5).
(1) Install nonmetallic grommet (68).
(2) Run electrical leads through nonmetallic grommet.
(3) Position terminal block (70) on support mount.
(4) Install two machine screws (49), lockwashers (50), and plain hex nuts (51) and secure terminal block
to support mount.
(5) Connect electrical leads to terminal block (70). Remove tags.
(6) Attach identification markers (69) and (67).
(7) Position power transformer (65) over support mount.
Install four machine screws (23), lockwashers (26), and plain hex nuts (27) and secure power
transformer (65) to support mount.
(9) Connect electrical leads to power transformer (65) using four terminal lugs (8). Remove tags.
(10) Repeat steps (7) through (9) to install power transformer (66).
(11) Position terminal block (63) over support mount.
(12) Install two machine screws (49) lockwashers (50) and plain hex nuts (51) and secure terminal block
to support mount.
(13) Position tie mounting device (54) on support mount and secure tie mounting device using terminal
lug (8).
(14) Connect cable ties (53) to cable harness.
(15) Connect electrical leads to wire hook-up (52). Remove tags.
(16) Attach terminal marker strip (64) to terminal block (63).