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TM 55-1905-223-24-18-2
(17) Position electrolytic fixed capacitor (61) into shock pad (62).
(18) Install two machine screws (49), lockwashers (50), and plain hex nuts (51) and secure electrolytic
fixed capacitor to support mount with shock pad (62).
(19) Connect electrical leads to stud terminals (60) on electrolytic fixed capacitor (61). Remove tags.
(20) Position fuseholder (16), with fuse cartridge (15) enclosed, into fuseholder mounting hole on cover
(21) Install terminal lug (8) at rear of fuseholder.
(22) Install electrical wire ends on fuseholder (16). Remove tags.
(23) Position cover plate over mounting screw holes.
(24) Install four machine screws (23), lockwashers (26), and plain hex nuts (27) and secure cover plate
to support mount.
c. Simulator float. (Figure 3-45, Sheet 3).
(1) Install type-J jumpers (58).
(2) Attach identification markers (57).
(3) Position terminal block (46) on support mount.
(4) Install two machine screws (49), lockwashers (50), and plain hex nuts (51) and secure terminal block
(46) to support mount.
(5) Position tie mounting device (54) on support mount.
(6) Install terminal lug (8) and secure tie mounting device to support mount.
(7) Connect cable ties (53) to cable harness.
(8) Connect electrical leads to wire hook-up (52). Remove tags.
(9) Attach terminal marker strip (47) to terminal block (46).
(10) Repeat steps (3) through (9) to install terminal blocks (55) and terminal marker strips (56).
(11) Position simulator float (40), wirewound variable resistor (41), and knob (42) over support mount.
(12) Install two machine screws (23), lockwashers (26), and plain hex nuts (27)and secure simulator
float (40) to support mount.
(13) Connect snub bushing (59) on opposite end of electrical cable (45) to simulator float.