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![]() TM 55-1905-223-SDC
c. Beaching condition. This is the condition in which the ship should approach the beach prior to
landing. In some cases of damage to the ship, it may not be possible to attain the exact drafts forward and aft
which are indicated; an effort should be made to approach this condition as closely as possible. The slope of
keel has been established as 1 in 30, which is suitable for the average ocean beach. For steeper or more
gentle shelving beaches, this value may require adjustment.
Beaching Condition - Draft and Stability Characteristics:
Displacement (D)
876 Tons
Vertical Center of Gravity (KG)
11.68 Ft.
Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy (LCB)
+2.76 Ft.
Longitudinal Center of Floatation (LCF)
-0.25 Ft.
Longitudinal Center of Gravity (LCG)
-10.13 Ft.
Trimming Lever (TL) - LCG - LCB
+7.37 Ft.
Moment to Trim One Inch (MCT1")
105.91 Ft-Tons
Trim Moment - D x TL - 876 x 7.37
6,456.12 Ft-Tons
D x TL
876 x +7.37Trim
Trim =
MCT1" x 12
-105.91 x 12
-5.08 Ft. Aft
Draft Mean Midships
6.31 Ft.
Draft Aft
8.84 Ft.
Draft Fwd
3.76 Ft.
5-36. PURPOSE. The purpose of the Liquid Loading Diagram (FIGURE FO-1) is three -fold:
a. To show the distribution and amount of liquids normally carried on board.
b. To prescribe the loading which will insure proper conditions of stability and trim.
c. To show the effect on trim and heel of filling each tank with its normal capacity of liquid.
In the upper left corner appears the normal capacity of the tank in tons. For diesel oil tanks, this
would be the weight of oil at 95% full. For ballast tanks, it is the weight of salt water at 100% full, and for
fresh water tanks, it is the weight of fresh water at 100% full.
In the upper right corner is shown the change of list that will result from filling each tank to the above
capacities. The figures in the lower right and left corners show the changes in draft forward and aft,
respectively, to be expected from filling the tank.
Two sets of values for trimming effects are provided, one for the full load departure condition and the
other for full- load arrival condition.
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