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![]() TM 5-1940-277-10
TM 1940-10/1
1-1. SCOPE
a. Type of Manual: Operator's Manual.
b. Model Number and Equipment Name: Bridge Erection Boat. Twin Jet, Aluminum Hull. The model
numbers assigned to this equipment are USCSBMK1 and USCSBMK2.
c. Purpose of Equipment: Support bridging an amphibious operations. May also be used as general
purpose workboat in support of diving operations and maritime projects, for inland water patrols. and as
a safety boat for amphibious river crossings.
The boat is only to be used for towing when the quick-
disconnect towing hook is installed and operational.
d. Special Limitations on Equipment: When used to ferry troops or cargo, the safe carrying capacity is
limited to a maximum of 12 fully equipped troops, plus three crew members or 4400 pounds (2000
kilograms) plus three crew members. When the boat is used for towing, the towing capacity is 4,000
pounds (2000 kilograms), plus three crew members.
e. Special Inclusions in Manual: This manual contains instructions for bridging and rafting.
1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for
equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by DA PAM 750-8, The Army Maintenance Management
System (TAMMS). Marine Corps personnel will prepare and maintain records and report forms as
prescribed by TM 4700-15/1, Equipment Record Procedures.
1-3. HAND RECEIPT (-HR) MANUALS. This manual has a companion document with a TM number followed
by "-HR" (which stands for Hand Receipt). The TM 5-1940-277-10-HR consists of preprinted hand receipts
(DA Form 2062) that list end item related equipment (i.e., COEIL, Bll, and AAL) you must account for. As
an aid to property accountability, additional -HR manuals may be requisitioned from the following source in
accordance with procedures in Chapter 3, AR 310-2:
U. S. Army Adjutant General Publications Center
2800 Eastern Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21220-2896
Change 3
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