TM 5-1940-321-13&P
Occasionally, small amounts of latex will pass through the fabric pinholes and
appear on the outside of the craft.
( 9 ) Wait 30 minutes and repeat step ( 8 ).
( 10 ) Repeat step ( 8 ) a minimum of 5 times over 2 hours.
( 11 ) With the latex still in the tubes, perform the 24-hour pressure test described in
psi) loss), proceed to step 12. If the craft fails the test, repeat steps ( 8 )
through ( 10 ) and again perform the pressure test.
( 12 ) The latex mixture must now be removed from the craft. Place the craft in a
position that will allow the excess mixture to collect in a pocket near the valve
so that it can be pumped out.
( 13 ) Deflate the compartment. Exercise care to ensure the sides of the
compartment do not stick together. Remove the valve insert.
( 14 ) Insert the 3 foot length of tubing through the valve into the compartment.
Attach a hand operated bilge pump to the other end of the tubing. A reducer
may be required to attach the tubing to the pump.
( 15 ) Pump out the remaining mixture.
( 16 ) Repeat steps ( 10 ) through ( 13 ) for each compartment being latexed.
( 17 ) Immediately rinse the tubing and pump with water.