TM 5-1940-321-13&P
5-4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE. Scheduled maintenance at the organizational level consists
of daily air pressure checks and safety related inspections, cleaning actions to prevent material
deterioration, semiannual valve cleaning, and inspections and yearly painting of wooden components.
Maintenance action index., table 5-1, identifies the scheduled maintenance actions to be performed at the
organizational level. The first column identifies the maintenance interval, the second column identifies the
unit performing the maintenance, the column identifies the maintenance action, and the fourth column
identifies the procedure to be followed in performing the maintenance by referencing the applicable
paragraph number.
5-5. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ACTION INDEX. The scheduled maintenance action index, table
5-1, identifies the scheduled maintenance actions to be performed at the organizational level. The first
column identifies the maintenance interval, the second column identifies the echelon performing the
maintenance, the third column identifies the maintenance action, and the fourth column identifies the
procedure to be followed in performing the maintenance by referencing the applicable paragraph number.
5-6. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. Unit personnel, as indicated, at the stated
intervals should perform the following scheduled maintenance procedures. Each procedure identifies the
specified materials, tools, and parts required to perform the procedure. Also listed are the parts that are to
be available in the event inspection indicates that a new part must be installed.
5-7. BUOYANCY TUBES AND KEEL PRESSURE CHECK. The pressure of the buoyancy tubes and
keel must be checked daily by unit personnel during periods or craft use.
Materials Required....... None
Tools Required............ Foot Pump
Foot Pump Hose
Pressure Gauge
Parts Required............ None
Parts to be Available.... None