TM 5-1940-321-13&P
Section IV.
7-17. INTRODUCTION. This section contains the corrective maintenance procedures to be performed
by intermediate level (direct support) personnel. The majority of the procedures in this section require a
thorough knowledge of the special shop practices for fabric repair which are identified in Appendix F. The
procedures in Appendix F are not repeated in this section. The tools, consumable items, and facility
requirements for performing intermediate level maintenance are contained in appendix F. Personnel
performing intermediate level corrective maintenance should be familiar with the scheduled maintenance
7-18. VALVE REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT. Most valve problems can be corrected by performing the
organizational level corrective maintenance procedures in paragraph 7-8. The following procedures
should be used when those procedures fail to correct the problem:
a. Remove Stuck Male Insert Portion of Intercommunicating Valve. This corrective
maintenance procedure is performed by direct support personnel. Intercommunicating valves that are not
cleaned and lubricated semiannually as required by the scheduled maintenance procedure (chapter 5,
paragraph 5-13) may become corroded. The corrosion prevents the male portion of the
Intercommunicating valve from being removed from the craft for scheduled maintenance. The following
procedure will normally free the male portion of the valve and allow its removal:
( 2 ) Spray the inner portion of the valve with a penetrating lubricant (WD-40, CRC
6-66, or equivalent) as shown in figure 7-9. Direct spray to flow between male
and female portions of the valve. Allow spray to penetrate for 10 minutes.
Figure 7-9. Spraying a Stuck Intercommunicating valve with Penetrating Lubricant.